International Travel Requirements
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International Travel Safety Plan Requirement
A project or conference that involves international travel is required to have an International Travel Safety Plan. It must be included as an appendix in the grant proposal. (Appendices do not count toward the word limit.)
Click here for instructions on how to complete your International Travel Safety Plan.
Ensure that your travel plans comply with Stanford University Travel Policy. Stanford-sponsored travel for undergraduate students is only permitted to countries, regions or cities with Crisis24 risk ratings of "Minimal,” “Low" or Moderate."
- To check the Crisis24 risk rating for your proposed travel destination, scan the Global Risk Office's website for destinations with elevated risk ratings.
- If your potential project destination is marked as "Exception Required," your proposed travel will only be considered if it is your home country and/or you can demonstrate that you have close relatives living there. In addition, you will need to go through an exception process with the Global Risk Office.
- For comprehensive information on the Crisis24 risk ratings, you must register with your Stanford email address on the Crisis24 website and search for the "Location Intelligence."
- Both the Crisis24 overall and health and medical risk ratings must be “Minimal,” “Low” or “Moderate,” unless there is other reliable information of significant health or safety risks for the destination. Destinations with Crisis24 ratings of "High" or "Extreme" are prohibited.