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Undergraduate Research in Stanford Departments, Programs, and Research Centers

Many Stanford departments and programs sponsor an undergraduate research program that provides financial support for students to work with Stanford professors on faculty-designed research projects.  Programs generally take place over the summer, but many support research during the regular academic year as well. 

For any Departmental Program, students must apply directly to departments and programs, rather than through the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE).  For summer programs, deadlines are often in the Winter Quarter.  Program deadlines and specifics are available at the links below or via contacting the department or program directly.

Can't find a relevant department listed below? Reach out to the Student Services Officers in your department of interest to learn about ongoing research.

24-25 Programs funded by VPUE

Department/Program/Research CenterContact
Aeronautics & AstronauticsJenny Scholes
American StudiesWinni Ni
Anesthesiology - Division of Pain MedicineCorinne Jung
Anesthesiology - Perioperative & Pain MedicineMonica Vidal
Archaeology CenterJessica McDaniels
Bill Lane Center for the American WestEsther C Conrad
BioengineeringEric Michael Giudice
Bioengineering - International Genetically Engineered Machines (iGEM)
Biology - 
Biology Summer Undergraduate Research Program (B-SURP)
Patricia Ayala Macias
Canary Center at Stanford for Cancer Early
Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CCSRE)Annie Bushnell
Center on Early Childhood
Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) Gabriella Ermanni
Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA)Eyup Yurek 
Center of Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (CDDRL)Kristin Chandler
Center on Poverty and Inequality (CPI)
ChemistryWenlin He 
Civil and Environmental EngineeringNan Hwa Aoki
Clayman Institute for Gender ResearchJessica Lopez
Communication - Virtual Human Interaction Lab (VHIL)Brian Beams
Computer Science - Computer Undergrad Research Internships Science (CURIS)
Developmental BiologyAlistair Boettiger
Doerr School of Sustainability - Sustainability, Engineering and Science Undergraduate Research (SESUR)Jenny Saltzman
Engineering PhysicsEunice Han
Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality StudiesHalima Kazem 
Haas Center for Public ServiceClayton Hurd
HistoryKai Dowding
Human BiologyKatherine Preston
Humanities CenterSvetlana Turetskaya
Institute for Diversity in the Arts (IDA)Jazlyn Miranda Patricio
Institute for Research in the Social SciencesSasa Caval
King Center on Global
LinguisticsRegina Miller 
Management Science and
Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education InstituteTenisha Hart Armstrong
Materials Science and EngineeringEnze Chen
Maternal and Child Health Research Institute - Diversity, Respect, and Inclusion are Vital for Excellence (DRIVE)
Mathematics - Stanford Undergraduate Research Institute in Mathematics (SURIM)
Mathematics & Computational Science (Statistics)
Mechanical EngineeringMichelle Lucas Rice
Mechanical Engineering - Solar Car ProjectErin Krynen
PhilosophyNadeem J.Z. Hussain
PhysicsEunice Han
Political Science and International Relations - Summer Research CollegeMargaux Leivenberg
Precourt Institute for Energy - Summer Undergraduate Program on Energy Research (SUPER)Eylul Bilgin
PsychologyAndrea Sims
Radiology - Canary Cancer Research Education Summer Training Program (CREST)
Radiology - Radiological Sciences Laboratory (RSL)Barbara Bonini
Stanford Accelerator for Learning - SCALE InitiativeMonica Lee
Stanford Center on Early ChildhoodEmily Caitlin Strickler
Stanford Maternal & Child Health Research
Stanford Solar Car ProjectMichelle Lucas Rice
Theater and Performance Studies (TAPS)Aileen Kaye Robinson
Urban StudiesMichael Kahan 
Woods Institute for the Environment - Mentoring Undergraduates in Interdisciplinary Research (MUIR)Jen Chiu
Wu Tsai Human Performance
Wu Tsai Neurosciences InstituteValerie Vargas-Zapata

Need help with your independent project?

All students should schedule a meeting with their Undergraduate Advising Director (UAD) as they write their proposal. UADs are well-versed with all VPUE Undergraduate Research grants.